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Vuoi vedere altri titoli della collana Green apple?

London Jack; Clemen G. D. (cur.)

Call of the wild. Con File audio scaricabile e online (The)

Editore: Cideb

Prezzo: 9,70 €

Collana: Green apple

Anno di pubblicazione: 2002

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Classici

Pagine: 112

EAN: 9788877548597

9,70 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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Green Apple is a series of richly illustrated graded readers especially designed for elementary school students. The series is based on internationally recogniz ed standards of lexical and structural control – from beginner to elementary, of fering original stories as well as adapted classics in a variety of genres.Begin ner: Written completely in the present tense with very simple vocabulary and gra mmar for students who are just starting English Grammar covered: Present Simple/ Continuous - be/have got - can, cannot, must imperatives - letfs (do) simple ti me clauses - verbs and prepositions Basic: Written in the present and past simpl e tenses, using simple vocabulary and grammar. Grammar covered: Past Simple regu lar/irregular - will future - could Elementary: Although the story is still writ ten in the present and past simple tenses, there are longer sentences, more join ing words and a richer vocabulary. Grammar Covered: Past Continuous - present/pa st passive form - verb + gerund/infinitive if clauses (type 0) - comparatives/su perlatives – regular/irregular  simple phrasal verbs - would, should, need Featu res of the Green Apple series: • introduction on the author • wide variety of st imulating activities to develop the four skills including internet projects • ex tensive footnotes with picture illustrations wherever possible • informative dos sier sections containing useful background information about the story • accompa nying recording of text and additional listening activities