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Orwell George

1984. Ediz. per la scuola

Editore: ELI

Prezzo: 9,90 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Classici

EAN: 9788853632760

9,90 €
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This novel was written by George Orwell in 1949 and set in 1984 London which has become the headquarters of a totalitarian world. It's the story of Winston Smith, an ordinary man whose job is to rewrite history for the Party of Oceania, one of the three superstates in the world. The book follows Winston's life as he tries to rebel against the Party at all costs, in spite of the dangers involved. In this reader you will find: - Information about George Orwell's life - Focus on sections: Newspeak, Surveillance and Technology Then and Now - A glossary of difficult words - Comprehension and grammar activities including B1 Preliminary-style exercises and 21st century skills activities - Final test Tags Identity & Personality Technology Psychology