Stai cercando altri testi di Greene Robert?
Cerchi altro nel settore Scienze sociali e umane?
Altri titoli dello scaffale FAMIGLIA, SALUTE E SELF HELP?

Greene Robert


Editore: Profile Books

Prezzo: 23,00 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2012

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Scienze sociali e umane

EAN: 9781781250914

23,00 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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Around the globe, people are facing the same problem - that we are born as indiv iduals but are forced to conform to the rules of society if we want to succeed. To see our uniqueness expressed in our achievements, we must first learn the rul es - and then how to change them completely. Charles Darwin began as an underach ieving schoolboy, Leonardo da Vinci as an illegitimate outcast. The secret of th eir eventual greatness lies in a 'rigorous apprenticeship': by paying close and careful attention, they learnt to master the 'hidden codes' which determine ulti mate success or failure. Then, they rewrote the rules as a reflection of their o wn individuality, blasting previous patterns of achievement open from within. To ld through Robert Greene's signature blend of historical anecdote and psychologi cal insight and drawing on interviews with world leaders, Mastery builds on the strategies outlined in The 48 Laws of Power to provide a practical guide to grea tness - and how to start living by your own rules.