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Baldacci David

No man's land

Editore: Pan Libri

Prezzo: 11,40 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

Tipologia: Libri

Scaffale: ALTRA

Settore: Settore non definito

Pagine: 603

EAN: 9781509840458

11,40 €
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No Man's Land by David Baldacci is an exciting thriller featuring special invest igator John Puller, who is pursuing a case that will send him deep into his own troubled past. One man demands justice ...John Puller is the US Army's most tena cious investigator, but he is not equipped to face the truth about his mother's disappearance thirty years ago. New evidence has come to light suggesting that P uller's father - a highly decorated army veteran - may have murdered his wife. W hen Puller's friend, intelligence operative Veronica Knox, arrives on the scene, he realizes that there is far more to this case than he first thought. He knows that nothing will prevent him from discovering what really happened to his moth er - even if it means proving that his father is a killer...the other seeks reve nge Paul Rogers has just been paroled after spending ten years in a high-securit y prison for murder. And with his freedom comes a desire to pay back old debts. Harbouring a dark past that changed him in unimaginable ways, Rogers embarks on a journey across the country, set on a path of revenge against the people who to ok away his humanity. As both men uncover a trail of deception that stretches ba ck decades, they soon realize that the truth will bind them together in ways the y could never have imagined.