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Donoghue Emma

The wonder

Editore: Picador

Prezzo: 17,20 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

Tipologia: Libri

Scaffale: ALTRA

Settore: Settore non definito

Pagine: 291

EAN: 9781509818396

17,20 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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An eleven-year-old girl stops eating, but remains miraculously alive and well. A nurse, sent to investigate whether she is a fraud, meets a journalist hungry fo r a story. Set in the Irish Midlands in the 1850s, Emma Donoghue's The Wonder - inspired by numerous European and North American cases of 'fasting girls' betwee n the sixteenth century and the twentieth - is a psychological thriller about a child's murder threatening to happen in slow motion before our eyes. Pitting all the seductions of fundamentalism against sense and love, it is a searing examin ation of what nourishes us, body and soul.