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Steel Danielle

Dangerous games

Editore: Pan books

Prezzo: 12,00 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2017

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Narrativa, biografie e storie vere

Pagine: 400

EAN: 9781509800124

Disponibilità usato/Da collezione privata: 1

12,00 €
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Danielle Steel tackles major political scandal and a power crisis in the White H ouse in her gripping bestseller, Dangerous Games . TV journalist Alix Phill ips is always willing to put herself on the frontline for her job. All that matt ers is getting the story. After a personal tragedy, only her beloved mother and daughter are allowed to get close. And her cameraman, Ben. Neither of them fear s death - it's love that is more terrifying. When Alix's boss suspects a major political scandal in the White House involving the Vice-President, he sends Alix to uncover the truth. This story could blow the corridors of power wide open, a nd this time Alix is feeling the heat. But when Alix receives some shocking new s, she must make a decision about where real happiness lies. Those she loves are at risk. For someone who was never scared, Alix now realises that the time has come to play some very Dangerous Games.

Testi usati disponibili

Condizioni del volume: come nuovo; Copertina morbida;
Prezzo: 7,20 €
Copie disponibili: 1