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Strout Elizabeth

Burgess boys (The)

Editore: Simon & Schuster

Prezzo: 17,00 €

Collana: Simon & Schuster UK

N.: 28

Anno di pubblicazione: 2014

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Libri stranieri

EAN: 9781471127380

17,00 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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Haunted by the freak accident that killed their father when they were children, Jim and Bob Burgess escaped from their Maine hometown of Shirley Falls for New Y ork City as soon as they possibly could. Jim, a sleek, successful corporate lawy er, has belittled his bighearted brother their whole lives, and Bob, a legal aid attorney who idolises Jim, has always taken it in his stride. But their long-st anding dynamic is upended when their sister, Susan - the sibling who stayed behi nd - urgently calls them home. Her lonely teenage son, Zach, has landed himself into a world of trouble, and Susan desperately needs their help. And so the Burg ess brothers return to the landscape of their childhood, where the long-buried t ensions that have shaped and shadowed their relationship begin to surface in une xpected ways that will change them forever.