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Graham Winston

Ross Poldark vol.1

Editore: Pan books

Prezzo: 18,00 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2015

Tipologia: Libri

Scaffale: ALTRA

Settore: Settore non definito

Pagine: 480

EAN: 9781447281528

18,00 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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Ross Poldark is the first novel in Winston Graham's hugely popular Poldark seri es, which has become a television phenomenon starring Aidan Turner. Tired fro m a grim war in America, Ross Poldark returns to his land and his family. But th e joyful homecoming he has anticipated turns sour, for his father is dead, his e state is derelict and the girl he loves is engaged to his cousin. But his sympa thy for the destitute miners and farmers of the district leads him to rescue a h alf-starved urchin girl from a fairground brawl and take her home – an act which alters the whole course of his life . . . Ross Poldark is followed by Deme lza, the second novel in this evocative series set in 18th century Cornwall.