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Altri titoli dello scaffale NARRATIVA?

Roberts Nora


Editore: Simon & Schuster

Prezzo: 11,30 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2017

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Narrativa, biografie e storie vere

Pagine: 394

EAN: 9780373282456

11,30 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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Two reader-favorite tales about finding love where you least expect it… Untamed Jo Wilder's life revolves around the big top, and she is furious wh en straitlaced lawyer Keane Prescott threatens to take it all away from her. Kea ne had no interest in his late father's circus until he meets the fiery lion tam er. Jo is impossible to resist—at once graceful, fearless, commanding and about as unpredictable as the lions. Keane knows there's no way she'd fit into his lif e, yet all it takes is one kiss and suddenly running away to join the circus see ms like the best idea he's ever had! Dance of Dreams Prima ballerin a Ruth Bannion has always been in awe of her demanding, mercurial mentor Nickola i Davidov. But when they are partnered in a passionate new ballet, their chemist ry—both on and off the stage—becomes impossible to ignore. Nick knows he's in da nger of falling for Ruth, but he is unwilling to take the leap. In the end, it i s up to Ruth to teach the guarded Nickolai the tender dance of love.