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Wohlleben Peter

Hidden Life of Trees (The)

Editore: William Collins

Prezzo: 22,00 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2017

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Narrativa, biografie e storie vere

Pagine: 288

EAN: 9780008218430

22,00 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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Sunday Times Bestseller ‘A paradigm-smashing chronicle of joyous entanglement’ Charles Foster Waterstones Non-Fiction Book of the Month (September) Are trees social beings? How do trees live? Do they feel pain or have awareness of t heir surroundings? In The Hidden Life of Trees Peter Wohlleben makes the case that the forest is a social network. He draws on groundbreaking scientific disc overies to describe how trees are like human families: tree parents live togethe r with their children, communicate with them, support them as they grow, share n utrients with those who are sick or struggling, and even warn each other of impe nding dangers. Wohlleben also shares his deep love of woods and forests, explain ing the amazing processes of life, death and regeneration he has observed in his woodland. A walk in the woods will never be the same again.