Stai cercando altri testi di Cattelan Maurizio; Ferrari Pierpaolo?
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Altri titoli dello scaffale FOTOGRAFIA?
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Cattelan Maurizio; Ferrari Pierpaolo

Toiletpaper. Ediz. inglese. Vol. 17

Editore: Damiani

Prezzo: 13,00 €

Collana: Fotografia

Anno di pubblicazione: 2019

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Arte

Pagine: 40

EAN: 9788862086134

13,00 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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Toiletpaper is an artist's magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan a nd Pierpaolo Ferrari and born out of a shared passion for images. The magazine c ontains no text. Each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialisation of the artists’ m ental outbursts. Since the first issue in June 2010, Toiletpaper has created a w orld that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and su rrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art whi ch, through its accessible form as a widely distributed magazine, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy.