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London Jack

Call of the wild. Con e-book. Con espansione online (The)

Editore: ELI

Prezzo: 8,90 €

Collana: Eli readers

Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Classici

EAN: 9788853632166

Disponibilità: 9

8,90 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)

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Buck, a happy, quiet dog living in sunny California, is stolen from his owner and sent north to begin a new hard life as a sled dog during the Klondike Gold Rush. Read about his adventures and the many problems he has to face in this new cruel world. Discover how he begins to change and how he answers to the Call of the Wild. In this reader you'll find: - Focus on: Jack London; Huskies - CLIL History: the Klondike Gold Rush - Glossary of difficult words - Comprehension and grammar activities including B1 Preliminary style exercises and 21st century skills activities - Final test