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Jerome Jerome K.

Three men in a boat. Con File audio scaricabile e online

Editore: Cideb

Prezzo: 9,80 €

Collana: Reading and training

Anno di pubblicazione: 2007

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Classici

Pagine: 112

EAN: 9788853007636

9,80 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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What can possibly happen to three friends and their dog when they take a peacefu l boat trip on the River Thames ? Well, just about anything ! Their adventures a s they visit historical sites on the beautiful River Thames make the reader laug h ! Read how they get lost in the gardens of a royal palace, are attacked by ang ry birds, cook the strangest meal in history, and much more ! Wide range of acti vities practising the four skills. PET-style activities. Trinity-style activitie s (Grades 5/6). Dossiers : Fox-Terriers, Life on the River, Oxford and others. I nternet projects. Text recorded in full. Exit test with answer key