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Alcott Louisa May

Little Women & Good Wives (Wordsworth Classics)

Editore: Wordsworth

Prezzo: 9,00 €

Collana: ordsworth Classics

Anno di pubblicazione: 2018

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Narrativa, biografie e storie vere

Pagine: 464

EAN: 9781840227536

9,00 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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Little Women is one of the best-loved children's stories of all time, based on t he author's own youthful experiences. It describes the family life of the four M arch sisters living in a small New England community, Meg, the eldest, is pretty and wishes to be a lady; Jo, at fifteen is ungainly and unconventional with an ambition to be an author; Beth is a delicate child of thirteen with a taste for music and Amy is a blonde beauty of twelve. The story of their domestic adventur es, their attempts to increase the family income, their friendship with the neig hbouring Lawrence family, and their later love affairs remains as fresh and begu iling as ever. Good Wives takes up the story of the March sisters, some three ye ars later, when, as young adults, they must face up to the inevitable trials and traumas of everyday life in their search for individual happiness.