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Dylan Bob

Lyrics (1961-2012) (The)

Editore: Simon & Schuster

Prezzo: 73,80 €

Collana: Simon & Schuster UK

N.: 289

Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Arte

EAN: 9781471152443

73,80 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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Winner of the NOBEL PRIZE in Literature 2016 For the first time, a comprehensive , definitive collection of lyrics of music legend and poet Bob Dylan. A major pu blishing event - a beautiful, comprehensive collection of the lyrics of Bob Dyla n with artwork from thirty-three albums. As it was well put by Al Kooper (the ma n behind the organ on 'Like a Rolling Stone'), 'Bob is the equivalent of William Shakespeare. What Shakespeare did in his time, Bob does in his time.' Christoph er Ricks, editor of T. S. Eliot, Samuel Beckett, Tennyson, and The Oxford Book o f English Verse, has no argument with Mr. Kooper's assessment, and Dylan is atte nded to accordingly in this authoritative edition of his lyrics. In the words of Christopher Ricks: 'For fifty years, all the world has delighted in Bob Dylan's books of words and more than words: provocative, mysterious, touching, baffling , not-to-be-pinned-down, intriguing, and a reminder that genius is free to do as it chooses. And, again and again, these are not the words that he sings on the initially released albums.' This edition changes things, giving us the words fro m officially released studio and live recordings, as well as selected variant ly rics and revisions to these, recent revisions and retrospective ones; and, from the archives, words that, till now, have not been published. As set down, as sun g, and as sung again.