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Ryan Robert

Sign of fear (The)

Editore: Simon & Schuster

Prezzo: 12,90 €

Collana: Simon & Schuster UK

N.: 296

Anno di pubblicazione: 2017

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Scienze sociali e umane

EAN: 9781471135125

12,90 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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The skies above London hum with danger. And in the Channel enemies lie in wait.. .Autumn, 1917. London is not the city that Dr John Watson and Sherlock Holmes on ce bestrode like giants. Terror has come from the sky and Londoners are scurryin g underground in fear. Then a twin tragedy strikes Watson. An old friend, Staff Nurse Jennings, is on a boat-ambulance torpedoed in the Channel with no survivor s. And his concert-going companion, Sir Gilbert Hardy, is kidnapped. Then comes the gruesome ransom demand, for Sir Gilbert and four others, which will involve terrible mutilation unless the demands are met. Help comes from an unlikely sour ce when Watson finds himself face-to-face with his old ruthless adversary, the "" She Wolf"" Miss Pillbody. She makes him a remarkable offer and so an unlikely par tnership is formed - the enemy spy and Sherlock Holmes's faithful companion, a d etective duo which will eventually uncover a shocking case of state-sponsored mu rder and find Watson on board a German bomber, with a crew intent on setting Lon don ablaze.