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Melville Herman

Bartleby, the Scrivener A Story of Wall Street

Editore: Perfection Learning

Prezzo: 5,80 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 1980

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Narrativa, biografie e storie vere

Pagine: 81

EAN: 9780895986832

5,80 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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""Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street"" is a short story by the Americ an writer Herman Melville, first serialized anonymously in two parts in the Nove mber and December 1853 issues of Putnam's Magazine, and reprinted with minor tex tual alterations in his The Piazza Tales in 1856. In the story, a Wall Street la wyer hires a new clerk who, after an initial bout of hard work, refuses to make copy or do any other task required of him, with the words ""I would prefer not to "".Numerous critical essays have been published on the story, which scholar Rober t Milder describes as ""unquestionably the masterpiece of the short fiction"" in t he Melville canon