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Strout Elizabeth

Abide With Me

Editore: Simon & Schuster

Prezzo: 18,00 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2007

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Narrativa, biografie e storie vere

Pagine: 304

EAN: 9780743462280

18,00 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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From the Man Booker Prize longlisted author of My Name is Lucy Barton Katherine is only five-years-old. Struck dumb with grief at her mother's death, it is down to her father, the heartbroken minister Tyler Caskey, to bring his daughter out of silence she has observed in the wake of the family's tragedy. But Tyler Cask ey is barely surviving himself. His cold, church-assigned home is colder still s ince Lauren's death, and he struggles to find the right words for his sermons; s truggles to be a leader to his congregation when he himself is lost. When Kather ine's schoolteacher calls to discuss his daughter's anti-social behaviour, it sp arks a chain of events that begins to tear down Tyler's defences. The small-town rumour-mill has much to make of Katherine's odd behaviour, and even more to say about Tyler's relationship with his housekeeper, Connie Hatch. And in Tyler's d arkest hour, a startling discovery will test his congregation's humanity - and h is own will to endure the kinds of trials that sooner or later test us all. From the Orange Prize-shortlisted author of Amy & Isabelle, this is a startlingly be autiful novel about love and abandonment, faith and hypocrisy; and the peril of family secrets...