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Austen Jane

Pride and Prejudice

Editore: Penguin Books

Prezzo: 14,00 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 1995

Tipologia: Libri

Scaffale: ALTRA

Settore: Settore non definito

Pagine: 448

EAN: 9780141439518

Disponibilità: 1

14,00 €
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One of the BBC's '100 Novels That Shaped Our World' 'The best-loved book by o ur best-loved novelist' Independent With its 'light and bright and sparkling ' dialogue, its romantic denouement and its lively heroine, Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen's most perennially popular novel. The love story of Elizabeth B ennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, who misjudge, then challenge and change each other, is also a novel about the search for happiness and self- knowledge in a world o f strict social rules, where a woman must marry well to survive. Edited with an introduction and notes by VIVIEN JONES