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Iles Greg

Missisipi blood

Editore: Simon & Schuster

Prezzo: 11,60 €

Anno di pubblicazione: 2018

Tipologia: Libri


Settore: Narrativa, biografie e storie vere

Pagine: 694

EAN: 9780007483495

11,60 €
(prezzo di vendita al pubblico)
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A father on trial for murder. A son whose world is falling apart. The No.1 New York Times bestselling final volume of the ground-breaking Natchez Burning Trilo gy by Greg Iles. He’ll risk everything for the darkest secrets in history Fo rmer prosecutor Penn Cage sees his world collapsing around him. The woman he lov es is gone and his father, Dr Tom Cage, is about to be tried for the murder of a former lover. The Double Eagle group, a savage splinter cell of the KKK, will stop at nothing to ensure that Tom either takes the fall for their past deeds, o r takes his secrets to an early grave. Unable to trust anyone – not even his own mother – Penn battles to discover the secret history of both the Cage fami ly and the South itself, risking the only thing he has left to gamble: his life.